Teya Salat
Music | Games | Videos | Applications | score highlight | phone engineering | chats | themes | other
14:01 28/02/25
==>Download and install the mtk engineer at www.play.google.com
==>Open the software
==>Click on MTK settings
==>Wire to connectivity
==>Click on CDS information
==>Click on radio information
==>Click on phone 1or phone 2
==>Click on the type area AT+
==>Type AT+E and delete
==>Click on AT+EGMR=1,7 ""
==>Move your cusor to "|"
==>And type the IMEL no (15 digits)
==>Move your cusor to AT+and space
==>Click on SEND AT COMMAND.

Or click here to view photos on how to uses


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